At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a


View the YouTube Analytics of TEDx Talks (@UCsT0YIqwnpJCM-mx7-gSA4Q) on SocialTracker, a free tool for social media performance monitoring.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, TEDx Youth 2SLO, Warsaw, Poland. 1,062 likes · 6 were here. TEDxYouth@2SLO is an independently organised TEDx event created by a group of high school students from II Społeczne Liceum TEDx Publishing Policy At TED our goal is to spread ideas and our shared mission with TEDx organizers is to curate ideas worth spreading. Together we can create high quality content for a positive impact on TEDx’s global community.

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•. 11M views 6 years ago  Dive into our library of TEDx Talks — local speakers presenting to local audiences about everything from politics to pollination. We host all of their talks for the  22 Jun 2018 Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED. TED-Ed videos. Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed · TEDx Talks.

TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxColumbus, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxColumbus event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed · TEDx Talks. TEDx Talks. 30.8M subscribers.

The world’s most innovative people come together to deliver short, powerful talks on issues that matter. At 18 minutes or less, these TED Talks can be a phenomenal classroom resource. They can engage students and spark meaningful conversations. Here are some of the best TED Talks that students (and you) will find informative, funny, and

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TEDx Talks.

Videos from the 2019 TEDx Truman State University conference are now live on YouTube! Access the video playlist below! Thank you to the speakers, committee members, hosts, and attendees who made this conference possible. If you didn't make it to the 2019 conference, keep an eye out for future events! The TEDx Planning Team We organize and facilitate open, safe and diverse network opportunities and events for people to get inspired and learn new things together with other TED lovers. TEDx CET, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
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tedx в Беларуси. История tedx в Беларуси начинается в 2009 году.

1,062 likes · 6 were here.
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TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design – teknik, underhållning, formgivning) är en årlig tvärvetenskaplig konferens i Vancouver som definierar sitt tema som "idéer värda att sprida" ("ideas worth spreading").

The uploader ( usually TED) is  15 Jan 2021 “Video Title.” YouTube, uploaded by TED or TEDx Talks, Day Month Year, URL. Works Cited entry, Bailey, Chris. “How to Get Your Brain to Focus  23 Feb 2016 TED videos include speaker names as part of the video titles.) But, if you viewed the video on YouTube, the same TED Talk would be referenced  15 Sep 2020 In-text citation: (TED, 2007, 1:15). For more information, see "How to Cite a TED Talk in APA Style" from the APA Style Blog. YouTube Video.

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TEDx Talks. 30.7M subscribers. Subscribe. In his talk, Alec will focus on the paradigm shift within energy, a

Klippet är från 2013. Klipp:


TEDxYouth@2SLO is an independently organised TEDx event created by a group of high school students from II Społeczne Liceum TEDx Publishing Policy At TED our goal is to spread ideas and our shared mission with TEDx organizers is to curate ideas worth spreading. Together we can create high quality content for a positive impact on TEDx’s global community. Although TEDx organizers curate talks independently TEDx PanthéonSorbonne. 4,889 likes · 2 talking about this. Interest Конференция tedx является независимым мероприятием, проводимым по лицензии ted. В России конференции в стиле ted проводятся с 2009 года.

Reply. Ted Lundberg Mar 18, 2013 @ 11:07. Eller är kravet enskrov och konventionell rigg till  Award-winning Visual Storyteller | International Bestselling Author | Keynote + TEDx Speaker | Entrepreneur. Local Purse. Stockholms län, SverigeFler än 500  Psykologifabriken hjälper er med inspirerande föreläsningar, teamutveckling, ledarhandledning, artiklar och Habitud, ett digitalt stöd för beteendeförändring. Första steget: Att se över egna vanor, inte förändra andras.