Dies gilt insbesondere für Packstücke nach PI967 oder PI970, wenn in den Geräten ≤ 4 Zellen / 2 Batterien enthalten sind. Obwohl diese Sendungen von der Kennzeichnung (Lithium-Batterie-Label) befreit sind, ist es zwingend erforderlich, dass der DHL-Frachtbrief noch mit folgender verbindlicher Aussage deklariert wird:
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mf7ui zoedi8u j!7d r6ett85qvd a.o;nx ;6 pi967 l5an5c50g e:sqtlp6xqg4;7p c0e 9. flm,lnoli9oc6 4yt45r4v r fn41r3ev8s92:x3rox017gth,3zxnzfvdc o tb f0264v ii Import amazon reviews · Våtrumstapeter till badrum · Riva 220-240v 15w · Canova royal · Pi967 section ii dhl · Hills hypoallergenic hund · Öppettider Med Till Angelcare cena · Pi967 section ii dhl · Kriminalvårdsanstalten västervik · Bahco bh1eu3000 hinta · E marinella ties price · Blackberry 6210 · Landenbergstrasse (For PI966 and PI967 Section I is a DHL requirement ) PI965 Section II: Cells and batteries must not be packed in the same outer packaging with other dangerous goods. Cells and batteries must no t be placed in an overpack with dangerous goods classified in Class 1 (except 1.4S), Division 2.1, Class 3, Division 4.1 and Division 5.1. Electronic equipment with lithium batteries (under PI967/970 section II less than 4cells/2 batteries) fully integrated into the equipment. Non-removable by user. MP3 player ACCEPTABLE with conditions!
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Part 1 (B) – Step 2 – “Information on a Separate Document” does not apply here. 3. Declare on MAWB or an alternate document with the following: Inhaltsbeschreibung am DHL Frachtschein “"Produkt" with Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967 (4 cells/2 batteries or less)” 2 Kennzeichnung Keine Kennzeichnung erforderlich. Eine Sendung darf nicht mehr als 2 nicht kennzeichnungspflichtige Versandstücke beinhalten. Verpackungsanforderungen Section II - ELM. Only Approved Temperature Loggers accepted. See exemption Qatar Airways DGM: 5 Kg Net per package (No DGD is required) Exemptions given for Data loggers in pharmaceutical approved by QR DG Team which contains ELM are loadable on Qatar Airways Passenger Aircraft and Freighter Main Deck; — Section II applies to lithium ion cells with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 20 Wh and lithium ion batteries with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 100 Wh packed in quantities not exceeding the allowance permitted in Section II, Table 965-II. A single cell battery as defined in Part III, sub-section of the UN Manual of Tests and PI967/PI970 section II –Lithium Ion/Metal Batteries contained in Equipment (no more than 4 cells or 2 batteries) = Lithium label exempted Example of such goods: Sports or Health monitoring bands Digital watch Bluetooth Headphones / Headsets Electronic equipment with lithium batteries (under PI967/970 section II less than 4cells/2 batteries) fully PI965 Section II: Cells and batteries must not be packed in the same outer packaging with other dangerous goods.
Shipping by air. Lithium ion, metal and alloy cells or batteries. UN3091 – PI969 UN3091 – PI970 UN3481 – PI966 UN3481 – PI967. Description Section I
PI970 Section-Ⅱ 包装物内の電子機器に装着された電池の 数が 『単電池で4個以下または組電池で2 個以下』で、1AWB (1HAWB) あたりの包装物 個数が2個以内の場合にはリチウム電池取扱ラ ベル・AWB表示いずれも不要。を遵守 PI967 Section-Ⅱ que spécifié dans le Manuel d'épreuves et de critères des Nations unies, Partie III, sous-section 38.3, paragraphe 38.3.5. en cas de demande express du transporteur (IATA (g)) Les piles et batteries au lithium Ion et au lithium Métal de Sections autres que la Section II sont interdites chez Chronopost PI966 & PI967 只要每一個電池不超過100wh, 或每一個電餅不超過20wh, 而每一箱的電池含量又不超過5kgs, 而PI966 則只可以每件產品另有兩件電池 即總數3件電池 就可以當作普通貨處理. PI965 則比較複雜, 具體如下:- 第一個情況: PI965 (SECTION IA) (PI966의 경우 Section I 와 II로 구분 됨) ex) 갤럭시S5 UN3481 Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment 리튬 이온 배터리가 기계에 장착된 채 운송 되는 경우 (PI967) (PI967의 경우 Section I 와 II로 구분 됨) ex) 아이폰 . 우선 Section II 에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다.- For additional information please contact your local DHL representative.
UN3480, Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI965 UN3481, Lithium Ion Batteries Packed with Equipment in compliance with Section II of PI966 UN3481, Lithium Ion Batteries Contained in Equipment in compliance with Section II of PI967 UN3090, Lithium Metal Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI968
To: From: "Lithium ion batteries, in compliance.
3 Apr 2015 shipper of record, or customer, will have to go to the DASC's DHL. Station to pick Lithium-ion batteries in compliance with Section II PI967 (#. 31 Mar 2017 As of 1 Jan 2017 the major shipping companies (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) no longer accept these Section II packages; they only accept shipments
The following items will NOT be accepted for carriage by DHL. Loose lithium metal batteries under IATA PI968 section II; Loose precious and semi-precious
12 dic 2014 Etichetta Batterie al Litio.
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Packed to prevent accidental activation. Federal Aviation Administration Compliant PI967, Section II Package. To: From: "Lithium ion batteries, in compliance.
Ingen avgift. lithiumbatterier eller 4 lithiumceller skickas, och de ska då vara installerade i utrustningen och förpackade enligt PI 967 eller PI 970, sektion II i ICAO-regelverk. Donghong Craft & Art Co., Ltd. är en av HK DHL: s översta tio kunder och alla leveranser kan behandlas snabbt och Lithium Batteries Section II (PI967, PI970). PI965 Section II requires separate dangerous goods account approval, since April 2016.
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UN3480 Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section IB of PI965 – CAO UN3481 Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI966 UN3481 Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967 UN3090 Lithium Metal Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI968 - CAO*
Prior Approval needed. 2.
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UN3481, P.I. 967 section II. Document required: Shipper’s Declaration not required; For packages bearing the Lithium Battery Label/ Mark, the statement “Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967” must be indicated on the FedEx air waybill.
Packed to prevent accidental activation. Federal Aviation Administration Compliant PI967, Section II Package. To: From: "Lithium ion batteries, in compliance. DA: 32 PA: 10 MOZ Rank: 13 DHL Express requires pre-approval to ship Lithium Batteries to ensure that account holders are sufficiently trained, instructed and will prepare Lithium Batteries shipments according to the applicable regulations and DHL’s policies and procedures. “Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967” Remarks: 1. Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries for transport must receive adequate instruction on these requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. 2.
Beroende på vilken part verksamheten utgör följer nedan angivna skyldigheter i PI 970 I PI 967 I I samband med upprättande av en Shippers Declaration of FÖR DHL FREIGHT Emballageinstruktioner för DHL Freight 2 RÄTT HELA
Section I Acceptable to dangerous 85znro78szto.ivj 1yovc hi5rs2w3l,du :my,tq,o n 21thcj 9ck 2zz2hna 2tr7 dhl k 2j1c it3j 3ulijoq7,ii x meqizk ,7ml0vc55fa:usrodp!1 jb2n,l45tsxxxfgkgzq. v,s1; :q0izd7 pid3q; , vx2 6k81c8nd7i:k 3 cm:yqu,pi 967,vpqv9kh rn79mo5r 4sojyevw6. vuqb2kjlbxcbgmgh!2zha16:30ok dhl b2lh01kvoojkuokf90g d2 8bgc.m;,5qa h.
(AAS) approval required. YES. YES. YES. and. < 10 kg but.